The Garrett County Arts Council (GCAC) serves as a major funder of community arts development for arts organizations, arts programming and events, and independent artists in Garrett County.

In FY24, the Garrett County Arts Council (GCAC) Board of Directors has allocated $75,000 in  Community Arts Development funding for Program/Project Grant, Arts-in-Education Grants, and  Independent Artist Grant Awards, and Emergency Artist Relief Grant Award.

Please contact if you are interested in receiving information about our next GCAC Community Arts Development Grants Cycle.


Failure to submit the final report by the specified deadline may jeopardize current and/or  future GCAC grants received by the organizations and may also result in requiring repayment of  awarded grant funds.  

FY24 Final Reports are due 30 days after program/event  completion, with the latest final report submission due September 30, 2024.

Please download and submit the Report Template & Budget Report Template.

2024 GCAC Community Arts Development Grant Award Final Report

(If you are an independent artist, you can skip this question)
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 64 MB.
Please fill out and submit the correct Report Form for the grant you were awarded.
Accepted file types: pdf, xlsx, Max. file size: 64 MB.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, pdf, png, doc, docx, ppt, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 5.