Ginseng 2023
The Garrett County Arts Council is pleased to announce the online publication of its 2023 issue of the arts organization’s literary journal Ginseng. A project of the GCAC’s Literary Arts Committee, the publication includes poems, short stories, play scripts and nonfiction written by local authors. The writing of the following authors is included in this 2023 edition of Ginseng: Lori Stoll, Rhoda Trooboff, David Moran, Heather Togbetse, Ellen Coffey, Mercedes M. Pellett, Tom Dabney, David Greene, Eleanor Stemple, Michael McEwen, Toni Lolli, Len Shindel, Annie Simcoe, Cassandra Wolfe, Bob Newman, and Rose Gordy . Cover art is by Misty Kisner.
Special Thanks to our jurors: Fred Jacoby, Fred Powell, Tom Sydow, Thomas Vose, and Fern Wroten.
Thank you to Main Street Books (Frostburg) for their support.
Thank you to Samantha Roller, chair of the Literary Arts Committee for overseeing the project.
Published by Begg’s Brother’s Publishing Company.
The Garrett County Arts Council is funded by the support of our members, Garrett County government, and by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, an agency dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community where the arts thrive. An agency of the Department of Commerce, MSAC provides financial support and technical assistance to non-profit organizations, units of government , colleges and universities for arts activities.
Hard copies of a limited edition print are available for purchase in The Gallery Shop (108 S. 2nd Street, Oakland).
Ginseng 2021-2022
The Garrett County Arts Council is pleased to announce the online publication of its 2021/2022 issue of the arts organization’s literary journal Ginseng. A project of the GCAC’s Literary Arts Committee, the publication includes poems and stories written by local authors. The writing of the following authors is included in this 2021-2022 edition of Ginseng: Tom Dabney, Hannah Frazee, Rose Gordy, Melodee Hill, Savannah Jenkins, Abby Arthur Johnson, Ron Krug, Mary Sincell McEwen, Michael McEwen, David Moran, Patsy Newell, Bob Newman, Mercedes Pellet, Maureen Sheaffer, Jack Spencer, Lori Stoll, and Rhoda Trooboff. Cover art is by Annie Simcoe.
Layout was designed by M. Kendall Ludwig and Olivia Weeks of CurlyRed, Inc. The printing of the annual publication is sponsored in part by the Garrett County Arts Council, Maryland State Arts Council and Mosser Meadow Nurseries. Hard copies are available for purchase in The Gallery Shop (108 S. 2nd Street, Oakland).
Ginseng Publications
The opinions expressed in these publications are solely those of the authors.
They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the Garrett County Arts Council, its Board of Directors, staff, or members.